
Call for Webinar Proposals



Turkish Journal of Mathematics cordially invites your proposals for the online mathematics webinar to be held on the Zoom platform between 1-3 February 2022. Researchers are welcomed to have contributions related to any aspect of Geometry, Algebra and Applied Mathematics and their related topics.

Turkish Journal of Mathematics, https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/math/index.htm, is a Science Citation Index Expanded journal publishing high-quality research articles and it is supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK).

The aim of this webinar is to create an environment where scientists from different fields especially algebra, geometry and applied mathematics from all over the world can share their great experiences and at the same time raise awareness of career opportunities available to postgraduate students/graduate fellows and researchers in various fields of mathematics. Therefore, this event aims to vigorously discuss the hottest and interdisciplinary topics in the related fields at advanced and engaging levels.

The webinar welcomes proposals of original contributions electronically via the system. All authors need to submit their abstracts within the deadline making sure that all author details are complete. The corresponding and presenting authors must be clearly identified when doing so. All abstracts must be prepared according to the template.

Abstracts of the accepted papers will appear in a short book of abstracts. The organizers strictly advice and encourage the authors to submit their prepared papers of high-quality ones to the Turkish Journal of Mathematics after the webinar for a possible evaluation in a regular issue. The decision process of submitted high-quality articles, including the peer-review process, will be completed within one month.

The interested contributors are highly encouraged to submit their proposals to the webinar via https://math2022.tubitak.gov.tr/


For additional information, you can reach the program from the webinar webpage, https://math2022.tubitak.gov.tr/ and contact via email.


Best regards,

Scientific Program Chairs


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