2:00 PM
Coseismic deformation field retrieval from Satellite SAR Interferometry for offshore (nearby coastline) earthquakes: hints from recent case studies in the Eastern Aegean Sea
Salvatore Stramondo
2:25 PM
How can geodetic data help identify regional and local crustal deformation patterns? examples from the broader Aegean area
Alexandros Chatzipetros, I. Lazos
2:50 PM
GPS Derived Finite Source Mechanism of the 30 October 2020 Samos Earthquake, Mw6.9
Bahadır Aktuğ, İ. Tiryakioğlu, H. Sözbilir, H. Özener, Ç. Özkaymak, C. Özer Yiğit, H.İ. Solak, E.E. Eyübagil, B. Gelin, O. Tatar, M. Softa
3:15 PM
Field observations and InSAR analysis for mapping environmental effects induced by the October 30, 2020, Mw = 7.0, Samos (Eastern Aegean Sea, Greece) earthquake
Spyridon Mavroulis, I. Triantafyllou, A. Karavias, M. Gogou, K.N. Katsetsiadou, E. Lekkas, G.A. Papadopoulos, I. Parcharidis
3:40 PM
Source modelling and stress transfer scenarios of the October 30, 2020 Samos earthquake: seismotectonic implications
Sotiris Sboras, I. Lazos, S. Bitharis, C. Pikridas, D. Galanakis, A. Fotiou, A. Chatzipetros, S. Pavlides
4:20 PM
Seismotectonic Implications of Karaburun Peninsula, Kuşadası Gulf and Samos Island
Onur Tan, V. Karakostas and E. Papadimitriou
4:45 PM
Active Faults of the İzmir Gulf Using High Resolution Seismic Data
Derman Dondurur, S. Çoşkun, M.G. Drahor
5:10 PM
Beyond the historical records in western Anatolia: cosmogenic 36Cl as the direct tracker of normal fault activity
Nasim Mozafari, Ö. Sümer, Ç. Özkaymak, D. Tikhomirov, B. Uzel, S. Yeşilyurt, S. Ivy-Ochs, C. Vockenhuber, H. Sözbilir and N. Akçar
5:35 PM
The northern Thessaly strong earthquakes of March 3rd and 4th and their neotectonic setting. Preliminary results
Spyros Pavlides, A. Chatzipetros, S. Sboras, D. Galanakis, Ch. Pikridas, S. Bitharis, I. Lazos, E. Kremastas, A. Chatziioannou and I. Papaioannou